Membership Spotlight
Each month the Midwest ACE newsletter will now have a section that points a spotlight on a member(s). The goal of this is to draw attention to our monthly newsletter and membership by showcasing a new person(s) each month along with their achievement(s).
In the Spotlight for June:
Name(s): Tabby Cates-Powell & Karley Clayton
Institution(s): Enterprise Holdings & IUPUI University College
Job Title(s): Talent Acquisition Specialist & Career Consultant
Spotlight: Tabby Cates-Powell and Karley Clayton are the 2019 Conference Co-Chairs for Midwest ACE. Karley Clayton is a new Midwest ACE member and has served in leadership capacities in the Career Development Professionals of Indiana Association.
Karley is in charge of all things programming, logistics, and entertainment for the conference. Tabby Cates-Powell (a former NACE award winner) is a former Midwest ACE board member and has served as Membership Committee Co-Chair. In her role as conference co-chair, Tabby is in charge of all things philanthropy and exhibitors. Be sure to give these two a high five during the conference to thank them for all their contributions to Midwest ACE and to the 2019 conference.
In the Spotlight for May:
Name: Patricia Simpson
Institution: University at Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Job Title: Director, Academic Advising & Career Services - School of Chemical Sciences
Why did you join Midwest ACE? I joined Midwest ACE because I had previously been involved in – and served on the leadership team for – Southern ACE. That organization had truly helped me grow as a professional and connect with Career Services and Recruiting professionals throughout the region. Midwest ACE has helped me develop additional connections here in the Midwest!
How long have you been in the industry? I have worked in higher education for 25 years, working in Career Services at three different universities for the past 22.
What has been the biggest challenge for you in your personal career? Throughout the first half of my professional career, I worked at smaller institutions that did not have large staffs or budgets, so it was difficult to do all that I wanted to do. I did find that getting intentionally involved with professional organizations, however, helped me build relationships that allowed me to find mentors, implement collaborative programs, and offer services to my students that I may not have otherwise.
What advice would you give to a new member of Midwest ACE? Get involved! There truly are opportunities to serve in leadership roles on committees and elsewhere even before you are ‘experienced’ in the field, your job, or with Midwest ACE. We need you and you definitely will get so much more out of the organization and relationships if you serve!
How long have you been a member of Midwest ACE? 12 years, since I started working at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
How do you define success? As I’m now on the ‘downhill’ part of my career climb, for me, success is empowering others to move beyond where I’ve gone and to succeed at their own dreams. I love being able to push from behind the scenes and sit back and watch others (students or colleagues) get the their ‘wins’!
What is the best career advice you have ever received? So often, I think we spend time chasing after someone else’s dream, or what we think our dream ‘should’ be. My Mom actually helped me realize early on that it was important, in every role, to figure out what I liked and what I didn’t and then to pursue a job that gave me more of the pieces that I liked (and, hopefully, fewer of the pieces I didn’t) and that aligned with my most important values.
What was your first “win” that made you confident you were in the right role? I don’t actually remember, but it was probably an ‘a-ha’ moment with a student who was able to determine a better-fit career path or secure a great job after college…those are still my favorite moments.
What is your favorite thing about being a Midwest ACE member? (Webinars, Annual Conference, Networking, etc.) For sure, the relationships I’ve been able to build through the years! Even though we don’t get to see one another as much as we used to, I know I can call on so many of those friends for advice, support, and much more.
Fun Facts About Yourself:
- After spending the first 12 years of my life in the same house, I’ve since moved 19 times!
- I own a business called Game Changing Etiquette
- I’ve only had 11 actual birthdays
- Kerri Boivin is my hero!
In the Spotlight for April:
Name(s): Kerri Boivin, Tara Coffell, Amanda Kostin and Catherine Lund
Institution: University of Michigan, College of Engineering
Job Title: Engineering Career Resource Center staff
Spotlight: Kerri, Tara, Amanda, and Catherine worked together over the winter semester to launch a new program called Career Engagement Opportunities (CEO). The goal of this program is to provide a more streamlined pathway for employers to connect with students and vise versa.
One aspect of the program is providing student organizations clear expectations and a framework for working with employers. This includes a workshop for student organizations to attend, a multi-page student organization guide, and space on the ECRC website advertising their org. Additionally, this new program makes it easier for employers to connect with student organizations relevant to their recruitment needs. Kudos Kerri, Tara, Amanda and Catherine for rolling out this new program!
Tell us who you think deserves to be in the spotlight! Click the box below to nominate a fellow member(s) to be featured in future newsletters.